Donica Jean
As a college graduate, wife, and new mother, Donica's list of financial goals does not fall short of the average hopeful. It was in the pursuit of her goals and heart for teaching where Donica realized the innate desire to help others accomplish financial freedom as she was.
Donica has met her goals of paying off tens of thousands of dollars of debt, maintaining a consistent budget, and successfully living off of less than her combined household income. Learning about finance since her young adult years, Donica has grasped the content and continues to expand on her knowledge by holding both a Bachelors and Masters degree in business, obtaining a financial coach certification, and most recently pursuing the prestigious designation as a CFP professional (Certified Financial Planner).
Donica is committed to continued education and the application of this knowledge in helping others improve their financial wellbeing, and will continue to meet her financial goals and build wealth while guiding others to do the same and more.

Wealth of Favor, LLC is a financial coaching firm built on the premise that everyone is entitled to financial freedom and wealth, regardless of income level and background. Designed for those who may find themselves living paycheck-to-paycheck to those who have built a solidified foundation financially, Wealth of Favor guides those who seek to achieve or improve their financial stability within a defined timeframe.
Wealth of Favor, LLC believes in patiently working alongside clients to help develop a financial understanding that will set the foundation for lasting future success. Our diverse background of clients ranges from collegiate students to well-established career professionals. As we continue to grow, the financial success of all clients centered on sound budgeting practices, debt freedom, wealth generation, and overall financial stability will continue to be the epitome of our strategies.
Film Director & Editor: Miché Yxama
Yxama Studios, LLC